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Wir hatten keine Idee, was wir unter "Info" schreiben sollen, daher haben wir es mit Artificial Intelligence (AI) versucht.


Wir haben AI gebeten, ein "original poem" über Border Collies zu verfassen. Das ist dabei herausgekommen:


"With fur as black as night, and white as snow,

A Border Collie runs across the meadow,

Energetic and agile, he bounces with glee,

A herding dog, he's proud and free.


His eyes bright with intelligence and drive,

He takes his job seriously, the thrill of the chase keeping him alive,

A ball or stick, anything will do,

As long as he's playing, he's happy through and through.


He sprints and jumps, and nips at heels,

Guiding his flock with dogged zeal,

With a wag of his tail, and a bark in delight,

The Border Collie's work is always done right.


Through rain or shine, through snow and sleet,

The Border Collie is a loyal, faithful feat,

A companion to all who share his heart,

A Border Collie's love will never depart."



Klingt ein bisschen wie der Text auf einer Grußkarte, aber wir finden: AI "got the point".


Thanks, AI.



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